On siis epäselvää mistä IBS on lähtöisin, syy, joten ohessa eräs
pohdiskelu että osasyynä voisi olla ohutsuolen bakteerien liikaskasvu
mm. ruokavalio, ppi-lääkitys jne?
Onkohan keneltäkään tutkittu tällaista asiaa?
"There is a significant amount of interest on the possible role of SIBO in the generation of IBS. Many IBS symptoms are nonspecific (bloating, distention, cramping, abdominal discomfort) and can mimic symptoms of SIBO"
...ja johon hoidoksi meille tuttu alhainen fodmap-dieetti sekä A D E-vitamiinilisät?
" diet low in FODMAPs is important to starve off the microbes in the small intestine. This includes cutting out milk, yogurt, certain cheeses, apples, pears, peaches, mangoes, watermelon; coconut milk, dried fruits, fruit juices, agave, honey, high fructose corn syrup, artichokes, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, onions, radicchio lettuce, shallots, broccoli, snow peas, wheat, rye, chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans and soy products"
pohdiskelu että osasyynä voisi olla ohutsuolen bakteerien liikaskasvu
mm. ruokavalio, ppi-lääkitys jne?
Onkohan keneltäkään tutkittu tällaista asiaa?
"There is a significant amount of interest on the possible role of SIBO in the generation of IBS. Many IBS symptoms are nonspecific (bloating, distention, cramping, abdominal discomfort) and can mimic symptoms of SIBO"
...ja johon hoidoksi meille tuttu alhainen fodmap-dieetti sekä A D E-vitamiinilisät?
" diet low in FODMAPs is important to starve off the microbes in the small intestine. This includes cutting out milk, yogurt, certain cheeses, apples, pears, peaches, mangoes, watermelon; coconut milk, dried fruits, fruit juices, agave, honey, high fructose corn syrup, artichokes, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, onions, radicchio lettuce, shallots, broccoli, snow peas, wheat, rye, chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans and soy products"